
  • The special characters as in French or German are not display and parse to Database correctly. For example, during the issue creation or other request via REST API.
  • Some gadget name that has the special character also not displayed correctly. For example, "Filtres préféré" is shown as "Filteres pr?f?r?"


  1. Right click on the action that you want to perform then open the dialog box in a new table and perform the action to check whether the character encoding is correct.
  2. Double check whether the setting "webwork.i18n.encoding" in the system information had been correctly set to UTF-8.


The webwork action is actually using the encoding setting of "webwork.i18n.encoding" rather than the setting 'URIEncoding=UTF-8' and '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' in the JVM parameters, and it will be overwritten by the same setting in the following place: 

  1. $JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/
  3. In the database:

    select * from propertystring where id in (select id from propertyentry where property_key='webwork.i18n.encoding');


  1. Correct or Remove the extra configuration in the properties files.
  2. Update the settings in the database.

    update propertystring set propertyvalue = 'UTF-8' where id in (select id from propertyentry where property_key='webwork.i18n.encoding');