When attempting to view the Unique Content Analytics of any Space, the graph shows no values or is an empty graph.
Confluence 7.19.x, 8.5.x
Database MySQL 8
The Analytics graph will be shown as the one below, instead of being populated with data:
There are no errors in the Confluence logs or in the HAR files collected. However, if you run the following SQL statement in MSQL is returned a null value.
select convert_tz('2022-06-20 00:03:08.5220', 'SYSTEM', 'UTC');
If the query returns null, you may be impacted by this issue.
The output of the SQL statements executed against the MySQL database when retrieving the Unique values, return null.
This may be caused by an empty or missing record from mysql.time_zone table.
Check with your MySQL DBA to review the following functions used in the query:
Double check that your mysql.time_zone is loaded as it is used for the convert_tz function as outlined in the MySQL official docs to Load the Time Zone tables.
If the issue perists, reach out to Atlassian Support and generate and upload a Support Zip.